You could have overheard students, faculty, or staff at your school discussing accreditation, particularly foreign accreditation. To enhance both their quality and reputation, campuses from all over the world are actively working towards obtaining one or more international accreditations.

What exactly is meant by the phrase "international accreditation"?

Accreditation, as defined by the International Accreditation Service (IAS), is the formal and independent verification that a programme or institution is qualified to carry out certain conformity assessment activities and meets set quality criteria. Testing, inspection, or certification are examples of conformity assessment tasks that may be performed, but this list is not exhaustive.

Accreditation, whether at the national or international level, is not confined to just educational institutions like schools or universities.

Accreditation is pursued to demonstrate a company's level of expertise and dependability by organisations that are responsible for the public's well-being and safety, such as building departments, hospitals, police departments and fire departments.

Accreditation has been utilised as a conclusive method of evaluating organisations for nearly half a century, and it is now utilised by all of the main economies of the globe in addition to many emerging nations.

Now, the purpose of worldwide accreditation is comparable to that of national accreditation, with the exception that organisations located in other countries are the ones that award international accreditation.

Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) and ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) are two organisations that are examples of international accreditation. 

Why is it Important to Have an International Accreditation?

Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN), along with other universities all over the world, strives to get not only national accreditation (often from BAN-PT), but also international accreditation. Isn't having national accreditation sufficient?

According to UK International Qualifications, students who intend to either study or work in a foreign country can find it beneficial to obtain international accreditation. 

Many students believe that earning a degree from a programme or institution that has received international accreditation is essential because it will broaden their chances in the job market and increase the likelihood that they will be successful in the future.

Candidates who have received their degrees from authorised colleges are also preferred for employment by reputable companies and organisations located all over the world. Non-accredited educational institutions are not as highly regarded.

Both in the realm of higher education and the working world, this international accrediting certification with value-added status has a high level of credibility and is regarded with a high level of reputation around the world.

Accreditation from an international body is not just useful for students but also, without a doubt, for campuses. The campus's reputation will naturally improve if it holds international accreditation in any of its facets, be it for the institution itself or one of its programmes. If a campus has earned international accreditation, it may indicate that it adheres to worldwide standards of excellence in terms of its academic offerings, including its faculty, students, and alumni. 

There is a condensed explanation regarding worldwide accreditation; you do realise how crucial it is, don't you? Do you wish to attend classes at a university that possesses both national and international accreditation? Accreditation has been granted to the various institutions, faculties, and academic programmes offered by UMN in Gading Serpong. 

ACMIT is the leading International Accreditation Agency, having been granted it by BAN-PT and AUN-QA respectively. That is very awesome to hear. Apply to the University of Minnesota right away!